Virgo Season
I have been obsessed this year with konmari, bullet journals, journaling, productivity, time management, (discovering I'm) introvert, motivational and inspirational quotes. I thought staying at home I would have more time but yeah I never have been this so productive yet so anxious in my life. The need to do everything all at once. The need to be perfect. The pressure of not doing enough. Realizing you can't fit everything in your daily schedule. It's a work in progress of accepting that there will be days you ticked off all your to do list but there will be days too of procrastination or sadness or demotivation. I do not have anything to tie all up of these ideas but I discovered this word this month that would encapsulate all these buzzwords floating or fighting with each other in my head: Virgo season.
"Virgo season is all about organizing your life, handling your sh*t, and making sure you’re in good shape physically and mentally."
That figures why I am so hell-bent on planning and setting goals. It also explains why I created my reverse harem blog in September, created my Pinterest in September and guess what created my fashion blog, theseptembegirl. I'm not active on the latter two anymore. All these years I noticed I start big projects at this certain month and I finally decided to revamp this blog after such a looong time.
Right now my priorities are:
Casey- We have 2x occupational therapy and 1x speech therapy. Following up on the activities at home. Focusing on his needs at home with adaptive skills. Researching and reading more about autism.
Urgent Stuff- For example, Son's senior high school requirements. Health checkups etc. Red tape government errands. Yay~
Money- How to earn or save since I'm not working. Focusing on niche blog and complementary ways to earn like Youtube, merchandise etc.
Home- Cleaning our home. But the bulk is really laundry, procrastinating on decluttering, tidying and stressing on accumulated dust that needs to be cleaned. LOL
Health- Excercise. Diet. Planning healthy meals.
Self-care- I realized I needed to stop blogging on weekends since I get burned out and I dread blogging. When I have off days, the need to blog or create something builds up and I just want to blog again.
Reading this now, I get so stressed again. LOL. Aside from my planner, I have a paper breaking down my schedule for the whole day by the hour. I also have Google Keep for all my to do list that even further breakdown all my priorities. I also have goals for the current month and another goal for all the remaining months and for 2020. Oh yes, I started journaling too and of course this online blog. Welcome to my life. It changes from time to time too. I'm always working out ways to make it super-efficient. I will blog about in a separate entry.
Right now these are my daily mantras or reminders to myself:
~ Delegate, Automate, Simplify, Eliminate
~ Life is happening now...Enjoy!
~ What brings most value or money
~ Never dull your shine
~ Not your circus, not your monkeys!
~And lastly and the most important...pray and trust God. Be a good person.
Phew! I kinda dread blogging this but before I knew it was so easy to take this load off my chest. I'll blog soon again...hopefully! Thank you my birth month and my season!