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Virgo Season

I have been obsessed this year with konmari, bullet journals, journaling, productivity, time management, (discovering I'm) introvert, motivational and inspirational quotes. I thought staying at home I would have more time but yeah I never have been this so productive yet so anxious in my life. The need to do everything all at once. The need to be perfect. The pressure of not doing enough. Realizing you can't fit everything in your daily schedule. It's a work in progress of accepting that there will be days you ticked off all your to do list but there will be days too of procrastination or sadness or demotivation. I do not have anything to tie all up of these ideas but I discovered this word this month that would encapsulate all these buzzwords floating or fighting with each other in my head: Virgo season.   "Virgo season is all about organizing your life, handling your sh*t, and making sure you’re in good shape physically and mentally." 

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